Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The exhibits department is working on a 5 year plan of museum improvements and believe it or not two of my suggestions are actually being pitched to the head of the estate to see if they can get funding to go through. My first idea was a re-organization of the museum's section on the Revolution, Civil War, Spanish-American War and pre-WWI. the way it is re-organized would allow for a proper conclusion to the museum after the Desert Storm section. When I pitched the idea to my supervisor I had no idea it would actually get anywhere.

My second idea was to re-do the entrance to the begining of the Vietnam War exhibit. The problem with the exhibit is the light abruptly switches from very bright to very dark allow no time for your eyes to adjust. My idea is to re-do a small section into a transition hallway with medium lighting to allow for a gradual transition.

Both ideas are really hard to explain unless your actually in the museum and see the areas in person...

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